Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Yours to Define

As to my perception, defining literature depends on the person's outlook in life and how he/she accepts it. Literature affects us. It is in our daily lives. It is beautiful. It is ugly. It just depends on how we see and appreciate all the things that we encounter everyday.

If I were to give my own meaning of Literature, the word "life" defines it all. It is the product of the imagination of man and its whole being. It is a creative endeavor, has different forms and is everywhere man goes. It is in every corner. It is seen, heard and felt.

In Literature, I have a strong belief in the fact that it is not the Literary piece itself that is the most important thing, but rather the feedback and effects it will cause to the reader. I can also say that Literature does not only pertain to the things that we read but the things that appeal to all our senses.

Literature is relevant, for it is needed by everybody. It is our turning ground when we find nowhere to go to or when we feel discomfort and distress in life. It makes us feel good despite of all the circumstances that we tend to face. It is our savior. It makes our life more relevant and full of meaning. Literature is even beneficial to itself, because it makes the human being capable for its own developments. It makes the human person wiser and more aware of the real meaning of life.

If we are who we are because we think of it, Literature is also what it is for how we think, see, hear, and feel it.